Uncover Tips on How to Make Moving Easier on Your Pets: A Pet-Friendly Guide

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How to Make Moving Easier on Your Pets begins by addressing the often-overlooked stressors our furry friends encounter during a relocation. Just as we humans grapple with the chaos and emotional upheaval of moving, our pets, too, experience a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainties.

Their routines get disrupted, familiar scents fade away, and the sight of a few boxes taped up with packing tape can signal something big and potentially intimidating is on the horizon. Stride Movers is more than just a moving company; it’s a promise of a smooth transition, not just for your belongings but for every family member, including your pets.

Recognizing the intricate bond between pets and their owners, Stride Movers ensures that the journey to your new home is seamless and stress-free for every paw, claw, or fin involved. The dedication to detail and commitment to care make Stride Movers the reliable choice for families on the move.

Understanding the Stressors for Pets

how to make moving easier on your pets

When you think about moving, the challenges that immediately come to mind might involve packing, logistics, or adapting to a new neighborhood. However, for our pets, the transition is a whirlwind of sensory changes.

It’s not just about a new physical space but about the small daily rituals that give them comfort and security. Delving deeper into what our furry friends undergo can offer insights into how we can make the process smoother for them.

  • Environmental Shifts: Moving means leaving behind known spaces for unfamiliar ones, which can be unsettling for pets.
  • New Scents: A fresh house introduces a multitude of unfamiliar smells, potentially causing anxiety.
  • Altered Sounds: From the echo in an empty room to new neighborhood noises, these auditory changes can be startling for pets.
  • Routine Disruptions: The structured day-to-day activities pets rely on, like walks or playtime, may get temporarily interrupted.
  • Changed Feeding Times: Amidst the chaos, their usual feeding schedule might get shifted, leading to potential unease.
  • Unfamiliar Faces: Meeting new neighbors or encountering different animals can be overwhelming for some pets.
  • Packing Chaos: Seeing their home change daily with boxes and packing materials can cause confusion and distress.

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Preparing Your Pets Before the Move

tired dog dog park

When moving homes, we often underestimate the profound impact it can have on our furry friends. Just like us, pets thrive on routine and familiarity. Consequently, a significant change like moving can be unsettling for them.

The silver lining, however, is that with ample preparation and understanding, you can mitigate most of these stressors. Let’s delve into the steps you can take to ensure that your pets are well-prepared for the move.

1. Choosing the Right Size

The size of the carrier plays a crucial role in your pet’s comfort. An appropriately sized carrier should offer room for your pet to stand, stretch, turn around, and lie down.

It shouldn’t be so large that your pet can be tossed around during transport, nor so small that it feels like confinement. Investing time in finding the right carrier can make the journey significantly more comfortable for your pet.

2. Making the Carrier a Positive Space

The positive association your pet has with the carrier, much like their association with their litter box, will determine how they react to it. If the only memories linked to the carrier are stressful vet visits, your pet might resist getting into it.

To change this perception, integrate the carrier into their daily lives. Place it in their favorite area of the house, add a blanket they love, and frequently drop in some treats or toys. The aim is to create positive associations and reduce anxiety when the moving day arrives.

3. Familiarity Exercises

It’s one thing to have the carrier around and another to have your pet comfortable being inside it for extended periods. Start by encouraging shorter stays in the carrier, gradually increasing the duration. Use praise, treats, or toys to reward them for staying calm. This helps in normalizing the experience.

4. Visiting the New Place

If the new home is within a drivable distance, consider taking a few trips there with your pet before the move. This pre-exposure can be invaluable, allowing them to adjust at their own pace. Each visit can be a mix of exploration and relaxation, so they start viewing the new space as a haven.

5. Sniffing Expeditions

Pets, especially dogs and cats, rely heavily on their sense of smell to gather information about their surroundings. By allowing them ample time to sniff around, you’re granting them the opportunity to familiarize themselves and mentally map out the new environment. This sensory exploration provides them with a clearer understanding of the new territory.

6. Consistent Schedules

Moving can be chaotic, but it’s crucial to remember that pets thrive on consistency. Amid the packing boxes and shifting furniture, ensure their feeding times remain unchanged.

Likewise, if you walk your dog every morning or play with your cat every evening, maintain those rituals. This continuity offers them a semblance of normalcy, reassuring them that not everything is changing.

Tips for Moving Day

new house

Moving day can be a whirlwind of activity, and amidst the packing begins, lifting, and organizing of moving supplies, it’s vital to prioritize the well-being of our pets.

The hustle and noise can be an overwhelming experience for them, which is why having a strategy in place to ensure their safety and comfort is essential. Let’s break down some key points to keep in mind for the big day:

  • Securing Pets: Before the commotion starts, ensure your pets are safely enclosed in their carriers or placed in a quiet, closed-off room.
  • Distanced from Activity: Pets should be kept in a calm environment, away from the heavy foot traffic and noisy operations of moving.
  • Familiar Objects: Keep their favorite toys or blankets nearby, offering them a touch of familiarity amidst the unfamiliar.
  • Calming Aids: Use calming sprays or treats that are designed to reduce anxiety in pets, ensuring they remain as stress-free as possible.
  • Watch for Vocal Signs: Whining or continuous meowing might indicate discomfort or stress.
  • Physical Signs: Notice if they’re shedding excessively, pacing around, or displaying other unusual behavior, as these can be signs of distress.
  • Comforting Presence: If possible, take short breaks to spend a few minutes with your pet, reassuring them with your presence.

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Settling Into the New Home

dog's regular routine

The first few days in a new home can be a roller-coaster for pets as they try to navigate and adjust to a foreign environment. An effective way to ease this transition is by designating a safe space for them. This could be a quiet room set up with all their familiar belongings, away from the immediate chaos of unpacking and settling in.

This dedicated area acts as a sanctuary, providing them with a sense of comfort and continuity amidst the change. As your pets become more accustomed to their new surroundings, allowing them to explore the home gradually can be beneficial.

Start by letting them investigate one room at a time under your supervision. This controlled exploration ensures they don’t become overwhelmed in the midst of moving boxes early and helps prevent potential mishaps.

For pets that venture outside, supervise their first few outdoor excursions in the new area. Once they seem comfortable, it’s crucial to quickly re-establish their routines, ensuring they are fed, walked, and played with at the usual times. Additionally, offering ample playtime and cuddles can help reaffirm your bond and reassure them during this transitional phase.

Special Considerations for Different Pets

pet proof, normal routine

Transitioning to a new environment can be a challenging process for any pet. With each species having its distinct needs and habits, understanding these differences becomes pivotal during a move. Let’s delve deeper into the unique requirements of various pets:


  • Leash Walks and Socialization: Guided leash walks in new areas can help dogs become familiar with and feel secure. Ensure controlled meetings with neighborhood dogs for smooth introductions.
  • Training: Consider obedience refresher courses to help dogs adjust to new settings and correct any behavioral changes.
  • Familiar Objects: Bringing along their favorite toys, beds, or even their regular feeding bowls can give dogs a sense of familiarity.
  • New Dog Parks: Research local dog parks or recreational areas where they can play and make new friends.
  • Vet Visits: A post-move checkup can be reassuring, ensuring they’re in good health after the transition.


  • Safe Indoor Spaces: For the initial days, providing cats with secure indoor spaces can help them gradually adjust.
  • Setup Essentials: Scratching posts, litter boxes, and their favorite sleeping spots can offer comfort.
  • Window Perches: Cats love observing their surroundings. Offering them a window perch can ease their transition.
  • Interactive Toys: Keeps them engaged and eases the stress of a new environment.
  • Safety Precautions: If allowing them outdoors, ensure the new area is safe from predators and traffic.


  • New Views and Sounds: Gradually introduce them to new sights and sounds to ensure they’re not overwhelmed.
  • Cage Security: Secure and familiar cage settings provide them with a feeling of safety.
  • Familiar Toys: Ensure their favorite toys and perches are set up in their new location.
  • Dietary Consistency: Ensure their diet remains consistent during the move.
  • Flight Time: If you let your birds out for a flight, ensure the new space is secure and safe from hazards.

Small Mammals (e.g., rabbits, guinea pigs)

  • Secure Living Spaces: Their familiar bedding, toys, and accessories should be immediately set up.
  • Dietary Monitoring: Watch out for changes in eating habits indicating stress or health issues.
  • Handling: Ensure regular and gentle handling to reassure them during the transition.
  • Environment Enrichment: Incorporate toys and tools that promote natural behaviors, like tunnels for burrowing.
  • Noise Levels: Keep them in a quieter part of the house initially, away from the bulk of the moving commotion.


  • Transportation: Ensure optimal water conditions during the move to minimize stress.
  • Reintroduction: Carefully reintroduce them to their habitat, monitoring water conditions.
  • Tank Placement: The new location should be free from direct sunlight and drafts.
  • Monitoring: Watch for any signs of stress or disease post-move.
  • Aquarium Maintenance: Regularly check filters, heaters, and other equipment to ensure they’re functioning correctly.

Trust in Stride Movers for the Utmost Safety and Care of Your Pets During Relocation

How to Make Moving Easier on Your Pets

Relocating can be a daunting task, especially when it involves the well-being of our beloved pets. Entrusting this responsibility to a reliable entity becomes paramount.

Stride Movers has curated a range of services to ensure that your furry, feathered, or scaled family members transition smoothly to their new home. Here’s how we can assist:

  • Expert Handling: Our trained staff is proficient in handling pets with the care and gentleness they deserve.
  • Specialized Carriers: We provide tailored carriers for different pets, ensuring comfort and safety during transit.
  • Temperature-Controlled Vehicles: No matter the weather, our vehicles ensure your pets remain at a comfortable temperature.
  • Health Precautions: Collaborating with veterinarians, we offer health checks pre and post-move, ensuring your pets are in optimal condition.
  • Customized Travel Plans: Recognizing that each pet is unique, we design travel plans suited to your pet’s specific needs.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: Equipped with surveillance, our transport vehicles are monitored round the clock for any emergencies.
  • Stress Minimization Tools: From calming sprays to noise-dampening features in our vehicles, we prioritize your pet’s mental well-being.

Addressing Post-Move Behavior Issues

Moving to a new environment can take a toll on our pets, often manifesting in unexpected behavioral changes. These shifts can be indicative of underlying stress or even depression. It’s essential to be vigilant and keenly observant, spotting unusual behaviors such as lethargy, excessive vocalization, altered eating habits, or over-grooming.

These behaviors are often their way of communicating discomfort or unease. Just as we may feel disoriented or stressed in a new setting, our pets experience these emotions intensely, and their coping mechanisms can vary. When these behavioral changes become prolonged or seem severe, consulting with a veterinarian or pet behaviorist is imperative.

These professional moving companies can provide tailored strategies and recommendations to alleviate your pet’s distress. Simultaneously, as pet owners, our role is to offer unwavering patience and an extra dose of attention. This might mean spending more quality time together, introducing new toys, or even providing comfort when they seem agitated. Our pets have always been there for us, offering unconditional love and companionship.


Easing the transition for pets during a move is crucial, ensuring their emotional and physical well-being. As pet owners, our responsibility extends beyond simply moving them from one location to another; it’s about observing their behaviors and responding promptly to any changes.

Recognizing their needs, offering them comfort, and ensuring they have a smooth adjustment is a testament to the love and care we have for our furry, feathered, or finned family members. Contact Stride Movers today for a safe and stress-free relocation.


How soon should I introduce my pet to their new home environment before the move?

Ideally, if possible, introduce your pet a few days or even weeks before the actual move to familiarize them with the new scents and spaces.

My pet is showing signs of anxiety post-move. Is this normal?

Yes, it’s common for pets to exhibit anxiety or stress after a move. However, if these signs persist, consider consulting a vet or pet behaviorist.

Should I maintain the same feeding schedule during the moving process?

Absolutely! Consistency in feeding can provide a sense of normalcy and reduce stress for your pet.

Can toys and familiar objects ease my pet’s transition?

Yes, familiar toys, bedding, or other objects can offer comfort and a sense of familiarity in a new environment.

How can I make my pet’s carrier or crate more comfortable for the move?

Introduce the carrier well in advance, place familiar bedding inside, and offer treats or toys to make it a positive space for your pet.

Nathan Green

Nathan Green is the voice behind Stride Movers. His engaging blog posts tell the story of our commitment to excellent service and customer experiences. Nathan's captivating storytelling makes our blog a must-read resource for anyone seeking insights into the moving industry.